Meaningful feedback collection

Traditional survey methods lack in qualitative feedback options, and often don’t provide a complete picture of how students feel and what they need.

The solution? Capture authentic feedback leveraging AI for immediate synthesis with Parsec Real.

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    Interview students and capture sentiments


    Explore AI transcriptions and auto-generated themes


    Present feedback through a comprehensive "real"


    Use feedback to drive everyday instruction


What devices does this work on?

Parsec Real is a browser based web application.

Use it on any device: mobile, tablet, and computer.

What makes this different from a Google Form and other traditional surveys?

The vast majority of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) surveys and feedback surveys are limited to quantitative responses.

They use likert scales, multiple choice, or written/typed free response.

This limits the amount and type of data you can measure.

Is our students' data safe and secure?

Your organization maintains ownership of all data.

Rigorous cyber security measures are in place to ensure all data security protocols are maintained.

For more details, please see our privacy policy

What is a Real?

Reals are what we call the feedback submitted through the Parsec Real platform. Our technology transforms the reals submitted into a comprehensive Real Play, revealing key insights and themes.

Why does this matter? We want to emphasize that this is not a traditional survey. Typically, surveys are strictly quantitative in nature. Often lacking the ability for the responder to convey why they selected the response that they did.

Real aims to eliminate that restriction. Additionally, with AI, educators get fast, meaningful insights from large amounts of qualitative data... something near impossible prior to Parsec Real.