
ParsecPRO & ParsecPRO+

Share your data with presentation-ready reports and compare up to four reports simultaneously.

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ParsecGO Professional utilizes the state’s research file data library to create high-quality presentation-ready reports to support you with telling your data story.The ParsecGO Professional system includes a high-quality report viewer tool that provides the ability to compare up to four different reports easily packaged and published into PDFs. This plan includes full translations into other languages, including Spanish and Hmong.

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Do even more with ParsecPRO+

In addition to the reports available with ParsecGO Professional, the ParsecGO Professional+ system also includes local level data including local assessments, student discipline, grades, and more.This system will give you the ability to tell an even more in-depth data story.

Which is right for you?

Both of the ParsecPRO platforms will help you level up your presentation game. For schools and districts who want to customize their reports and dive deeper into local-level data, ParsecPRO+ will be the system for you.

Ready to tell your data story?

Give us a call at (559)753-4529 or fill out our demo request form through the link below to get started.

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