Episode 07

Guest: Cindi Williams

Hi, I’m Rachael Maves and you’re listening to the “The Rachael Maves Podcast” where we strip away the layers and get to the raw, unfiltered stories behind the leaders shaping the future of education. My guest today is Cindi Williams.

Cindi is the co-founder of Learning Heroes – a leading education nonprofit researching parent and educator mindsets, providing solutions for meaningful parent engagement at the state, district, and school levels – and the CEO of Waypoint Education Partners. As a mom and evangelist for the power of meaningful parent engagement, Cindi works to ensure each parent has an accurate picture of their child’s academic progress to fully engage as an informed advocate for their child’s learning. Mrs. Williams’ insights are grounded in decades of experience in research, advocacy, and communications as a senior official in the White House, US Department of Education, US House of Representatives, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and a leading public policy firm, HCM Strategists. At Learning Heroes and Waypoint Education Partners, she and her partners work alongside leading nonprofits and state leaders to make our public education system more effective and equitable. Please take the time to watch her TED Talk here:    • The one question to ask about your ch…   This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

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